Name: Betsey Bayless
Name as Secretary of State: Betsey Bayless
Notes: Bayless is a third-generation Arizonan.
Other Elected Offices:
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors: Office Years: 1989 – 1997, Chairman of the Board: 1992, 1994, Vice-Chairman: 1997
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies and Spanish, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1966; Master of Public Administration, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1974
Occupations: Chief Executive Officer of Maricopa Integrated Health System, an independent health care district approved by voters in 2003 and governed by a five-member Board of Directors; director, Arizona Dept. of Administration; acting director, Arizona Dept. of Revenue, assistant director, Arizona Board of Regents; vice president of public finance for Peacock, Hislop, Staley & Given, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
Memberships: University of Arizona College of Business and Public Administration national board of advisors; ASU West advisory board; Xavier College Preparatory Foundation board of directors; Arizona Center for the Book board of directors; Governor's Commission on Violence Against Women; Arizona Town Hall; Charter 100; Valley Leadership Class VI; Arizona Republican Caucus; Arizona Women's Forum.
Firsts: Created a statewide toll-free voter registration hotline. Established a Voter Outreach program. Established a Tucson Secretary of State Satellite Office.
Notable: Bayless was the recipient of the 2005 Valley Leadership Woman of the Year Award
Sources: SOS bio; DOB: Scutari, Chip. "Bayless is Helping State to Run More Efficiently; Administration Chief Cuts Costs." The Arizona Republic, April 10, 2005, p. B 10; misc. notes compiled on SOS succession to Governorship.