• The Secretary of State's Business Services, Phoenix office, Room 220, will be closed for lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on Thursday, February 20, 2025

We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Election Day Operations

Election Day Operations

Voters in counties other than Maricopa and Pima can find their polling location by visiting Maricopa voters can locate their polling location here. Pima voters can find their polling location here.

Make sure you bring the correct form of ID to vote in person. Election Day Voting.

Polling locations will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. The following provides information about what to expect on Election Day.

Voters may be accompanied within the 75-foot limit and assisted by a person of the voter's choice during any part of the voting process. A.R.S. § 16-580(E).

A voter may also request assistance from a third-party (other than the voter's employer or union representative or a candidate appearing on the ballot) or from members of the election board. A.R.S. § 16-580(E).

Counties may also provide curbside voting to senior citizens or voters with disabilities as a reasonable accommodation or when the county officer in charge of elections determines that a voting location is inaccessible, that no accessible sites are available, and that no temporary measures can make it accessible.

A voter may be offered a provisional ballot instead of a regular ballot in certain circumstances. A provisional ballot will be counted if that voter is registered and eligible to vote in that election.

No voter should be turned away from the polls without an opportunity to at least cast a provisional ballot. The following information provides additional detail about when you might be offered a provisional ballot:

If a voter received an early ballot, but decides to vote in-person, the voter will be issued a provisional ballot. A.R.S. § 16-579(B).

A new law passed in 2022 will allow voters who surrender their ballot-by-mail at a voting location to be issued a regular ballot, if otherwise eligible.

Voters who appear at a voting location with a ballot-by-mail that has not been voted, along with the affidavit envelope, may use a privacy booth at the voting location to mark the ballot-by-mail. In this circumstance, the voter does not sign in and the voter must place the voted ballot-by-mail in its affidavit envelope, sign the affidavit envelope, and place the envelope in the early ballot drop-off container at the voting location.

A voter whose name does not appear on the signature roster will be issued a provisional ballot if the voter:

  • Presents identification that includes their name and a residential address that the clerk verifies to be within the precinct (in counties that conduct assigned polling place elections); or
  • Signs an affirmation that states the voter is registered and eligible to vote in that jurisdiction.

A.R.S. § 16-548(B).

A voter whose name does not appear on the signature roster, but who presents a certificate from the County Recorder showing that the voter is entitled to vote at the voting location, is entitled to vote a regular ballot. A.R.S. § 16-548(A).

If a voter needs to update their residential address within that county, the voter should cast a provisional ballot. In this case, the voter must vote in the correct polling place that corresponds to their current address for the vote to count.

If a voter affirms that they continue to reside at the address on the signature roster or in the e-pollbook, the voter will be issued a regular ballot and the County Recorder will place the voter's registration record in active status following the election. A.R.S. § 16-583(A)-(B).

A voter will be permitted (via the provisional ballot envelope) to update their voter registration record with their current address. A.R.S. § 16-584(C). In a jurisdiction that utilizes vote centers, the voter may update their address in the same manner but can vote at any vote center within the jurisdiction.

If a voter's current name does not appear in the signature roster or e-pollbook because the voter changed their name, the voter must be issued a provisional ballot or conditional provisional ballot.

If the voter's name does not appear on that precinct's signature roster because the voter resides in another precinct (in counties that conduct assigned polling place elections), an election official should direct the voter to the correct polling location or, if applicable, to a vote center.

Out-of-precinct voters may still cast a provisional ballot, but the voter should be informed that ballots cast in an incorrect precinct will not count.

Arizona law allows a qualified elector in the county to make an oral challenge at the voting location against another voter's eligibility. The challenger bears the burden of providing clear and convincing evidence, that:

  1. The voter has voted before at that election; A.R.S. § 16-591
  2. The voter is not the person whose name appears in the signature roster or e-pollbook; A.R.S. § 16-121.01(B)(1)
  3. The voter has not resided in Arizona (or the relevant local jurisdiction) for at least 29 days before the election; A.R.S. § 16-121.01(B)(2)
  4. The voter is registered at an address that is not permitted for registration purposes; A.R.S. § 16-121.01(B)(3) or
  5. The voter is not otherwise a qualified elector, for example, the voter does not live within the proper electoral district or is not at least 18 years old. A.R.S. § 16-121.01(B)(4); 16-101(A).

If the challenged voter appears to be registered, they will be asked by the election board reviewing the challenge to take the oath prescribed in the State Form. A.R.S. § 16-592(A). If a majority of the board finds the challenge to be invalid, the voter must be permitted to vote a regular ballot. A.R.S. § 16-592(B).

If the voter being challenged refuses to take the oath, answer questions about the challenge, or if a majority of the board finds that the challenge is valid, the challenged voter must be permitted to vote a provisional ballot. A.R.S. § 16-592(C).

If you experience behavior at a polling location that violates Arizona law or constitutes intimidation, please report it to a poll worker and complete the Election Incident Form. You may also be eligible to submit a HAVA complaint. Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

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Closing the Voting Location

Polls close at 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. A.R.S. § 16-565(A). Anyone who is in line to vote by 7:00 p.m. should be allowed to vote. Please stay in line if you arrived by 7:00 p.m. and want to vote. A.R.S. § 16-565(D).

Guidance on Polling Place Conduct and Preventing Voter Intimidation

Free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy, and Arizona's election officials are committed to ensuring all eligible Arizonans can exercise their right to vote. The Secretary of State's Office is providing the following guidance to: (1) educate voters, poll workers, observers, political parties, and other interested citizens about their respective roles, rights, and responsibilities and key polling place rules; (2) discourage unlawful voter intimidation and suppression; and (3) encourage voters to report suspected violations.

If you witness voter intimidation or other unlawful conduct at the polls, we recommend the following steps:

  • First, inform a poll worker at the voting location, who will work to resolve any problems and call county election officials and/or local law enforcement if needed. However, if you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 first and then inform a poll worker if possible.
  • Document what you see as much as possible, including the who, what, when, and where of the incident. (But keep in mind that taking photos or video is prohibited inside the 75-foot limit of a voting location.)

You can also call 1-877-THE-VOTE. We will follow up with county election officials and federal, state, or local law enforcement entities if needed.

  • Know and plan ahead how, when, and where you will vote. Visit www.Arizona.Vote to find information about requesting a ballot-by-mail, voting early in-person, and voting on Election Day.
  • Rely on trusted sources for election information. In Arizona, your trusted sources are the Secretary of State's Office, County Recorders and Election Departments, and the Citizens Clean Elections Commission. Contact information is available at www.Arizona.Vote. Report any misinformation about elections to the Secretary of State's Office at 1-877-THE-VOTE or [email protected].

Arizona law prescribes a 75-foot perimeter around each voting location to create a safe place to vote. Only the following persons are allowed inside the 75-foot-limit (A.R.S. § 16-515):

  • Voters who are voting (may be accompanied by their children and/or someone to assist the voter);
  • Election officials;
  • Credentialed political party observers; and
  • Authorized U.S. Department of Justice observers (for example, as required by court order).

To ensure a safe and secure voting experience for all Arizonans, the following activities are prohibited inside the 75-foot-limit of any voting location. If you experience prohibited activities in the 75-foot limit, inform a poll worker. Poll workers will generally be stationed inside the 75-foot limit. If you cannot find a poll worker, call the Secretary of State's Office at 1-877-THE-VOTE. We will use the information you provide to contact the appropriate county election officials to help resolve the issue.

  1. Electioneering

    It is unlawful to conduct campaign-related activity (electioneering) within the 75-foot limit. This includes handing out campaign literature, talking to voters or poll workers about candidates or issues, or otherwise attempting to influence the election. If the voting location has an "emergency" designation, electioneering is prohibited anywhere on-site, even outside the 75-foot limit. A.R.S. § 16-411(H); A.R.S. § 16-515; A.R.S. § 16-1018.

    A voter is permitted to wear clothing with a political message inside the 75-foot limit, but poll workers, observers, and election officials may not. A.R.S. § 16-515(F).

  2. Carrying Firearms and Weapons

    Arizona law prohibits private citizens, even if properly licensed, from entering the 75-foot limit of a voting location with a weapon. Further, since many polling places are located in schools, it may be unlawful to bring a firearm on school property, even outside the 75-foot-limit. A.R.S. § 13-3102(A)(11)-(12).

    Openly carrying a firearm outside the 75-foot limit is also problematic and likely to result in unlawful voter intimidation. Additionally, any aggressive or ostentatious display of a weapon will almost certainly constitute an act of intimidation.

    Arizona's election officials seek to ensure voting locations are not only safe, but also free of intimidation. If you are coming to a voting location for any reason, please leave any weapons at home or in your vehicle.

  3. Taking Photographs and Videos

    While taking photos of your early ballot from home ("ballot selfies") is permissible, taking any photos or videos in a voting location inside the 75-foot limit is prohibited and punishable as a misdemeanor. A.R.S. § 16-515(G)-(H); A.R.S. § 16-1018(4).

    Further, much like the open display of firearms, taking photos or videos outside the 75-foot-limit may have an intimidating effect on voters entering or exiting the voting location if done in an aggressive, threatening, or harassing way. Filming voters based on race, ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation is inappropriate.

    If you find it necessary to film to document the commission of a crime or other election-related violation, please consider informing a poll worker first.

All political party observers are required to obtain credentials from their county political party chairperson and must present those credentials at their assigned voting location to observe inside the 75-foot limit. Generally, only one observer per political party is permitted in each voting location. A.R.S. § 16-515 (B).

Credentialed political party observers are there to do just that: observe. Observers shall not obstruct poll workers or the voting process, interact with voters, take videos or photos, act unprofessionally, or otherwise fail to obey the polling place inspector or rules established by the county. Party observers who violate these guidelines may have their credentials revoked by the county and be asked to leave.

Non-credentialed observers, interest groups, candidates, and members of the media are not allowed within the 75-foot limit. Even if you intend to observe outside the 75-foot limit, observers shall not obstruct voting lines or the entrance to the voting location, or otherwise engage in any conduct that may have the effect of threatening, harassing, or intimidating voters.

Generally, law enforcement officers, whether uniformed or plain-clothes, should not be stationed within the 75-foot limit of a voting location. Exceptions may apply if the officer is voting, if the voting location is located within a public safety building, or if an officer is called to respond to a specific emergency.

The presence of uniformed law enforcement personnel at a voting location, whether in or outside of the 75-foot limit, may have the effect of intimidating voters. Counties will balance this potentially intimidating effect with the need to preserve the peace and respond to emergencies.

As noted below, each voting location is overseen by an inspector and has a designated election marshal charged with keeping order in and around the voting location. Poll workers should make all reasonable efforts to de-escalate disturbances without engaging law enforcement whenever possible. Situations that cannot be solved by poll workers should be resolved with the assistance of county election officials. In circumstances where there is violence or threats of violence, including any instance when a private citizen carries a weapon into the 75-foot limit, the marshal or election officials should contact law enforcement for the limited purpose of resolving that situation.

All eligible voters are entitled to exercise their right to vote free from harassment and intimidation from baseless challenges to voter qualifications. Arizona law permits only a qualified elector of the county to challenge a voter's eligibility to vote, and political party challengers must be previously designated and credentialed as observers by their party. A.R.S. § 16-590; A.R.S. § 16-591.

A qualified elector challenging a voter's eligibility must have clear and convincing evidence that:

  • The voter has voted before in that election;
  • The voter is not the person whose name appears in the roster/e-pollbook;
  • The voter has not resided in Arizona (or the relevant locality) for at least 29 days before the election;
  • The voter is registered at an address that is not permitted for registration purposes; or
  • The voter is not otherwise a qualified elector, for example, the voter does not live within the proper electoral district or is not at least 18 years old.

Challenges must be directed to poll workers, and challengers shall not directly confront voters or question voters about their voting qualifications. Challenges must be promptly decided in the voting location by a board made up of the inspector and two judges, pursuant to applicable law and the Elections Procedures Manual.

  • The voter must be permitted to vote a regular ballot if: (1) the voter appears to be registered and takes the prescribed oath, or (2) a majority of the board finds the challenge invalid.
  • The voter must be permitted to vote a provisional ballot if: (1) the voter refuses to take any oath; (2) the voter refuses to answer the inspector's questions material to the challenge; or (3) a majority of the board finds the challenge is valid.

Critically, challenges based in whole or in part on race, national origin, appearance, surname, language, or religion are not permitted, and violate federal anti-discrimination laws. Repeated challenges without a sound basis that delay voting, challenges that are otherwise intended to intimidate or prohibit qualified voters from voting, or challenges that involve additional confrontational or harassing behavior may amount to unlawful voter harassment and intimidation and warrant removal from the voting location.

All eligible voters may request a ballot-by-mail and may mail back their voted ballot or drop it off at their County Recorder's Office, any official ballot drop-box, any early voting location, or any Election Day voting location in the county. Ballots must be received by election officials by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Arizona law allows a caregiver, family member, household member, or election official to help return a voter's ballot to county election officials, including dropping off the ballot at a voting location. These categories are defined in statute as ( A.R.S. § 16-1005):

  • A caregiver is a person who provides medical or health care assistance to the voter in a residence, nursing care institution, hospice facility, assisted living center, assisted living facility, assisted living home, residential care institution, adult day health care facility or adult foster care home."
  • Family member: "a person who is related to the voter by blood, marriage, adoption or legal guardianship."
  • Household member: "a person who resides at the same residence as the voter."

Discrimination against voters based on race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, or disability is punishable under law. Even in the absence of discrimination, any attempt to intimidate, coerce, or threaten a person to vote or not vote is strictly prohibited and may be criminally punishable.

Federal law prohibits intimidation, threats, and coercion throughout the voting process, including registering to vote, casting a ballot, and even at the stage of counting or tallying votes. See 52 U.S.C. §§ 10101(b), 10307(b). These statutes also protect those who facilitate voting or aid voters, including election officials and volunteers. In addition, it is illegal to send out knowingly false information about the time, place, or manner of voting to prevent people from properly casting their ballots. More information may be found on the U.S. Department of Justice website at

State statutes also prohibit voter intimidation and voter interference. See A.R.S. §§ 13-1202, 16-1013, 16-1017.

Inspectors oversee each polling place and should utilize the marshal to preserve order and remove potentially disruptive persons. A.R.S. § 16-535(B); A.R.S. § 16-1004(A). Higher-level decisions generally are raised through county channels, whether through a trained troubleshooter, the elections department, or both. Any decision to contact law enforcement is for local election officials to be exercised in their sound judgment.

If you witness a problem at a polling place, you should not speak to or accost a voter to "enforce" the law yourself. Tense situations should be de-escalated, not escalated. Please inform a poll worker to resolve the issue, or if you or another person is in immediate danger, call 911. Do not take matters into your own hands.

Elections FAQ

An early ballot may be requested through our new Voter Information Portal or by contacting your County Recorder’s office. To have your name placed on the Active Early Voter List (AEVL), complete a new voter registration form and check the box marked “YES, I want to automatically receive an early ballot for each election for which I am eligible.” Or you can log in to Service Arizona and complete this request online.

  • Online – If you have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) you may register to vote through Service Arizona EZ Voter Registration
    1. Log on to Service Arizona
    2. Select your language preference, then click “Begin Voter Registration”
    3. Verify your voter eligibility
    4. Enter your information in the required fields
    5. Verify address information
    6. You can now select your party preference

    If you are having trouble logging in to the Service Arizona website, you can print off a Voter Registration Form and fill it out with your new information. After you finish, mail the completed form to your County Recorder’s office and your information will be updated.

    If you do not have a residence address, please also complete a 'No Residence Address Confirmation' in addition to the voter registration form.
  • By Mail – You can either print off a form online or request that a registration form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. After completing the voter registration form, mail it to your County Recorder’s office
  • In-Person – You may visit your County Recorder’s office and fill out a registration form in person
  • Address Confidentiality Program Members – You should only register to vote through the ACP process.

After you have successfully registered to vote you will receive a voter registration card in the mail within 4-6 weeks.

If you're a Maricopa County voter, visit to find a voting location. If you have any questions, please call 602-506-1511.

If you're a Pima County voter, visit to find a voting location. If you have any questions, please call 520-724-4330.

If you are having issues searching your Residence Address please contact your local Election Official by visiting County Election Contact Info


The voter registration deadline for the General Election has been extended to 5 p.m. on October 15, 2020 by a court order. Check back here often for this and the other trusted information you need throughout the 2020 election season. All voter registration forms sent by U.S. mail must be received on or before the deadline. To see all voter registration deadlines, including for local elections. To see all voter registration deadlines, including for local elections, go to

The deadline to update your voter registration or register to vote in an upcoming election is midnight on the 29th day before the election. For the 2020 State Primary Election, the deadline to register or update your registration is midnight on July 6, 2020. For the 2020 General Election, the deadline is midnight on October 5, 2020. To see all voter registration deadlines, including for local elections, go to All voter registration forms sent by U.S. mail must be postmarked on or before the deadline.

Every qualified elector is required to show proof of identity at the polling place before receiving a ballot. Find out what qualifies as an acceptable form of identification in Arizona.

Yes! Arizona has an open primary law which allows any voter who is registered as independent to cast a ballot for one of the officially recognized political parties in State Primary Elections. Independent voters on the Permanent Early Voting List (AEVL) will receive a postcard in the mail asking them to choose which party ballot they wish to receive for the Primary Election. The corresponding primary ballot will then be sent by mail to the voter to complete approximately 27 days prior to the election. Independent voters who go to the polls on Election Day will be given the option to choose a party ballot at that time.

Note: This DOES NOT apply to the Presidential Preference Election. Voters must be registered with a recognized party to vote in the Presidential Preference Election.

The state of Arizona uses E-qual to verify that the person signing the qualifying slip or nomination petition is eligible to do so. After successful verification, the person can give $5 qualifying contribution slips or sign a nomination petition for candidates the person is eligible to vote for in the election.

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If you need assistance using to register or update voter information, please see our ServiceArizona Guide or reach out to our office at [email protected] or by calling 1-877-THE-VOTE.

You do not need postage if you mail your ballot back in Arizona.

All early ballots come with a postage-paid return envelope. There is no need to add postage. Voters should remember to sign and date the return envelope, and to include a phone number in case election officials need to follow up with you.

If you have lost or damaged your ballot-by-mail, you may request a replacement ballot via mail or in-person.

To request a replacement ballot-by-mail, contact your County Recorder’s Office directly. Requests must be made no later than 11 days prior to Election Day. A.R.S. § 16-542(E).

You may also visit a voting location on or before Election Day to vote in-person. Visit to find your correct voting location.

The County will cancel your prior ballot if you request a replacement ballot.

No, Official Election Mail cannot be forwarded automatically by the postal service. If you will be out of town during the election, you may request to have your ballot sent to your temporary address. Contact your County Recorder directly to make this request.

Find your County Recorder's contact information

You may track the status of your ballot at to confirm that it was received and counted.

If you live in Pima County or Maricopa County, check with your county election officials for status updates.

If you have further questions, you can reach out to our office at [email protected] or by calling 1-877-THE-VOTE.

You can also reach out to your county recorder’s office (County Election Officials Contact Information) for further assistance.

Contact Elections

Office of the Secretary of State
Elections Division
1700 W Washington St Fl 7
Phoenix AZ 85007-2808

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