Secretary of State Corrects 2024 Primary Election Canvass; 8 Green Party Write-in Candidates Move to General Ballot Status

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PHOENIX – The Secretary of State’s office updated the 2024 Primary Canvass on Friday after identifying a clerical error that affected the way results were reported for the Green Party, including the U.S. Senate primary race from the qualified candidate Michael Norton to write-in candidate Eduardo Quintana.
“Our Election Management System (EMS) doesn’t distinguish between a ‘new party’ and an ‘existing party’,” said SOS Election Director Lisa Marra. “Once we verified that there was in fact an error, we worked diligently to correct the record for the candidates, voters, and the party.”
Official Green Party write-in candidates in the following races will advance to the November 5 General Election ballot as having won their Party’s Primary Election:

US Senate Eduardo Quintana
US Rep CD4 Vincent Beck-Jones
US Rep CD6 Athena Eastwood
State Rep LD8 Tre Rook
State Rep LD13 Cody Hannah
State Rep LD14 Scott Menor
Corporation Commission Mike Cease, Nina Luxenberg


A write-in candidate for a newly recognized political party must receive a plurality of the votes of the party for the office for which the candidate is competing for according to A.R.S. § 16-645(D).  A party with continued representation requires at least as many votes as they would have had petition signatures. The winning candidates in the Primary all receive certificates of nomination in the days after the canvass and these Green candidates who won their party nomination are included.
The updated results can be found at: 2024 Election Information | Arizona Secretary of State (


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Aaron Thacker
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