Campaign Finance & Reporting
Campaign Finance & Reporting Information
Arizona campaign finance law requires political committees to disclose certain information concerning the organization of the committee, the flow of money, and resources in connection with the committee's participation in the political process.
Campaign finance laws can be found in Title 16, Chapter 6 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
The Arizona Secretary of State's Office is the filing officer for political committees influencing state elections. The county recorder, county elections department or county board of supervisors is the filing officer for political committees influencing counties and other special taxing districts. The city or town clerk is the filing officer for political committees influencing city or town elections. A.R.S. § 16-928.
Click here to view county election officer contact information and here to view city and town contact information.
Campaign Finance Reporting - Beacon
BEACON is the Arizona Secretary of State's online campaign finance filing system. It is designed to allow filers to electronically submit their campaign finance transactions to the State of Arizona in a simple and easy-to-use interface.
The Secretary of State's Office has expanded to include local campaign finance filers. Filers who have already filed with the Secretary of State's Office can quickly switch between state and local committee filer accounts. To learn if BEACON online filing is an option, please contact the local filing office for the political committee.
Elections Funds Portal - Spotlight
The Arizona Secretary of State's Office and Citizens Clean Elections Commission made a campaign finance database available to the public. Users may view pdf versions of campaign finance reports, easily search for independent expenditures by the candidate, and find cumulative totals for every political committees' income and expense transactions ranging from 2002 to the present.
Citizens Clean Election Commission Participating Candidates
A statewide or legislative candidate who has filed a statement of organization is eligible to participate in the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections funding program. A publicly funded candidate must comply with the provisions of the Citizens Clean Elections Act. A participating candidate is a candidate that decides to participate in the Clean Funding program
Campaign Finance Reporting - Beacon
BEACON is the Arizona Secretary of State's online campaign finance filing system. It is designed to allow filers to electronically submit their campaign finance transactions to the State of Arizona in a simple and easy-to-use interface.
The Secretary of State's Office has expanded to include local campaign finance filers. Filers who have already filed with the Secretary of State's Office can quickly switch between state and local committee filer accounts. To learn if BEACON online filing is an option, please contact the local filing office for the political committee.
Elections Funds Portal - Spotlight
The Arizona Secretary of State's Office and Citizens Clean Elections Commission made a campaign finance database available to the public. Users may view pdf versions of campaign finance reports, easily search for independent expenditures by the candidate, and find cumulative totals for every political committees' income and expense transactions ranging from 2002 to the present.
Citizens Clean Election Commission Participating Candidates
A statewide or legislative candidate who has filed a statement of organization is eligible to participate in the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections funding program. A publicly funded candidate must comply with the provisions of the Citizens Clean Elections Act. A participating candidate is a candidate that decides to participate in the Clean Funding program
Campaign Finance FAQ
The process of winding down a committee entails ceasing all campaign activity, zeroing out the committee's bank account, and filing a termination statement with the filing officer in accordance with A.R.S. § 16-934.
- A committee must repay its debts to creditors before terminating. If a terminating committee has surplus monies remaining after payment of all debts, the committee is required to dispose of those surplus monies in specific ways set forth in A.R.S. § 16-933.
- For more information regarding requirements for PAC committee termination refer to Section 7.3 of the PAC Campaign Finance Guide.
- For more information regarding requirements for candidate committee termination refer to section 9.3 of the Candidate Committee Campaign Finance Guide.
- Once a committee has wound down its financial affairs and met the requirements set forth in A.R.S. § 16-934 (B), the committee may file a termination statement with the filing officer with whom the committee's statement of organization is filed. A committee must pay any outstanding penalties/fees, if applicable.
- After the committee has completed winding down all of its operations, under "Settings > Account Management" in the committee's online campaign finance reporting account, click on "Terminate Committee" and follow on-screen instructions. After termination, account users will no longer be able to access the committee account. Once termination is complete, confirmation that the committee has been terminated may be viewed through the Arizona Secretary of State's public campaign finance search portal.
- For more information on the online termination process please visit the BEACON User Guide
A committee that fails to timely file a report must pay the filing officer a penalty of $10 for each day that the filing is late during the first 15 days after the filing deadline and $25 for each subsequent day that the filing is late. Penalties accrue until the late report is filed. (A.R.S. § 16-937)
Failure to file a complete report within 30 days after the filing deadline may result in notification to the enforcement officer, and failure to file 3 consecutive reports may result in the committee's suspension. Suspension does not eliminate a committee's continuing obligation to file reports and pay outstanding and accruing penalties.
Campaign finance late fines may be paid with a check or money order payable to the AZ Secretary of State and sent via U.S. postal mail to:
Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes
1700 W Washington St, 7th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85007
If paying in cash, payment must be exact amount and only made in-person by appointment. If paying by credit card, payment may be made by calling the office at (602) 542-8683.
For any questions regarding campaign finance late filing fines, refer to Section 6.7 of the PAC Campaign Finance Guide or Section 8.6 of the Candidate Committee Campaign Finance Guide.
If any changes are made to a committee, you must file an amended statement of organization with the Secretary of State's office. To do this, sign in to the committee's online campaign filing reporting account and update the information under "Settings > Account Management." An amended Statement of Organization may be printed on demand by selecting "Print a Statement of Organization.".
Committees are required to file an amended statement of organization within 10 days after any change in committee information.
A campaign advertisement or fundraising solicitation must include (i) the words "paid for by" followed by the name of the person making the expenditure for the advertisement or fund-raising solicitation, and (ii) indicate whether the expenditure was authorized by a candidate, followed by the identity of the authorizing candidate, if any. (A.R.S. § 16-925)
If a disclaimer contains an acronym or nickname that is not commonly known, the disclosure must also spell out the acronym or provide the full name.
A PAC that makes an expenditure for an advertisement is required to include in the disclaimer the names of the 3 PACs making the largest aggregate contributions to the PAC making the expenditure and that exceed $20,000 during the election cycle, calculated at the time the advertisement was distributed for publication, display, delivery or broadcast.
A disclaimer in the following manner is required if the advertisement is
- Broadcast on radio: must be clearly spoken at beginning or end;
- Delivered by hand or mail or electronically: must be clearly readable;
- Placed on a sign or billboard: displayed in a height of at least 4% of vertical height; or
- Broadcast on TV, video or film: (i) both written and spoken at beginning or end, except that spoken disclaimer is not required if written display is for greater of at least one-sixth of broadcast duration or 4 seconds, and (ii) written disclosure letters are required to be in a height of at least 4% of vertical picture height.
A disclaimer is not required if the advertisement is
- Placed in social media messages/text messages;
- Placed as a paid link on a website, if not more than 200 characters and the link directs the user to another website that complies with disclaimer requirements;
- Placed as a graphic or picture link, if the disclaimer cannot conveniently be printed due to the size of graphic or picture and the link directs the user to another website that complies with disclaimer requirements; or
- Placed on bumper stickers, pins, buttons, pens, and similar small items.