Database Purchasing
Database Purchasing
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 39-121.03(A), the Secretary of State may produce public records for a commercial purpose only after determining a fee that encompasses:
- A portion of the cost to the public body for obtaining the original or copies of the documents, printouts or photographs;
- A reasonable fee for the cost of time, materials, equipment and personnel in producing such reproduction; and
- The value of the reproduction on the commercial market as best determined by the public body.
The reasonable charge for a commercial request of this nature is $500.
You may purchase our entire database of campaign finance information. Electronic copies of the campaign finance database are delivered by file share for a fee of $25.00.
NOTE: In order to effectively use the campaign finance database information, you will need to have a good understanding of computer database file formats and relationships. You will need to load the supplied files into the database program of your choice for them to be useful. This is essentially a complete copy of our database. A file layout of the various tables is included with each database order.
Payment methods
- Pay online AZSOS Public Records Request Payment
- Mail the completed Public Records Request form, requesting the Campaign Finance Database $25.00 check or money order payable to the Arizona Secretary of State, to
- Secretary of State
Attn: Elections Division
1700 W. Washington Street, Fl. 7
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
- Secretary of State
All orders must be paid in advance.
The Commissioned Notary Public Master File (MF) from the Office of the Secretary of State contains more than 60,000 records created from commissioned notary records. The file includes the following publicly available information on each commissioned notary, as provided to the Secretary:
- Commission Number
- Last Name
- First Name
- Business Mailing Address
- Appointment Date
- Renewal flag
- Expiration Date
Because Notary records are continuously updated, the office only guarantees the veracity of the file on its issuance date. Requests for the data must be done in writing and must be accompanied by a check or money order. Pricing information is below.
Two versions are available:
- One-time purchase
Arizona Secretary of State's Full Notary Master File (on CD-ROM )
Format: ASCII character set, comma separated values OR tab separated values (specify)
Filing Fee: $200 - Annual subscription, 12 monthly issues
Arizona Secretary of State's Notary Master File Annual Subscription (on CD or via email)
Available by subscription, price annual NMF subscription fee of $2,000. Issued on the 5th of every month. A single issue contains all notaries commissioned during the previous month.
Format: ASCII character set, comma separated values OR tab separated values (specify)
Mail the completed Public Records Request form, or include your request on company letterhead, with check or money order payable to the Arizona Secretary of State, to:
Secretary of State
Attn: Data Request
1700 W. Washington Street, Fl. 7
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
All prices include postage and handling. All orders must be paid in advance.
For questions on notary public information, call 602-542-4758.
You may purchase our entire database of lobbyist publicly available contact information. Electronic copies of the lobbyist database are delivered by file share in delimited text files for a fee of $25.00.
NOTE: In order to effectively use the lobbyist database information, you will need to have a good understanding of computer database file formats and relationships. You will need to load the supplied files into the database program of your choice for them to be useful. This is essentially a complete copy of our database. A file layout of the various tables is included with each database order.
Payment methods
- Pay online AZSOS Public Records Request Payment
- Mail a completed Public Records Request form, requesting the Lobbyist Database, with $25.00 check or money order payable to the Arizona Secretary of State, to:
- Secretary of State
Attn: Elections Division
1700 W. Washington Street, Fl. 7
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
- Secretary of State
All orders must be paid in advance.
The Office of the Secretary of State, Business Services Division, provides the Non-Incorporated Registrations Index in two options:
- Full Index File - $2,000
- Monthly Index File subscription - $50
Included with each single request is a complete listing of the registrations, associated filings, service of process agents and owners. Each subscription will contain only those registrations entered during a calendar month time period. A "subscription", rather than a full file, enables the subscriber to receive twelve issues, each containing a calendar month's list of Non-Incorporated Registrations. The subscription is based upon receipt of the request, so it may be entered into at any time during the year.
See the Non-Incorporated Registration Index Options for a complete description of the two options.
See the Non-Incorporated Registrations Index Description for a complete description of the data format provided.
Complete the Public Records Request form, or include your request on company letterhead, with check or money order payable to the Arizona Secretary of State. Send to:
Secretary of State
Attn: Data Request
1700 W. Washington Street, Fl. 7
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
All prices include postage and handling. All orders must be paid in advance.
For questions on notary public information, call 602-542-4758.
Arizona Secretary of State Full Uniform Commercial Code Index Data
The Office of the Secretary of State, Business Services Division, provides the Uniform Commercial Code Filing Index in five options:
- Full Index File
- Full Index File and Images
- Monthly Index File subscription
- Monthly Index File and Images subscription
- Single Monthly Issue request
Included with each single request is a complete listing of the liens, associated filings, debtors and secured parties. Each subscription will contain only those liens and filings affected during a calendar month time period. A "subscription", rather than a full file, enables the subscriber to receive 12 issues, each containing a calendar month's list of Uniform Commercial Code filings. The subscription is based upon receipt of the request, so it may be entered into at any time during the year.
See the Uniform Commercial Code Filing Index Options for a complete description and pricing of the five options.
Complete the Public Records Request form, or include your request on company letterhead, with check or money order payable to the Arizona Secretary of State. Send to:
Arizona Secretary of State
Attn: UCC Records
1700 West Washington Street, 7th floor
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
All prices include postage and handling. All orders must be paid in advance.
For questions on UCC public information, call 602-542-6187.