Registration Requirements
Qualifications for Registration
To register to vote in Arizona you must meet the following qualifications (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- Be a citizen of the United States of America
- Be a resident of Arizona and the county listed on your registration
- Be 18 years of age on or before the day of the next regular General Election
- Provide documentation or affirmation as Proof of Residency.
You cannot register to vote in Arizona if (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- You have been convicted of a felony and have not yet had your civil rights restored. For a first-time felony conviction, civil rights are automatically restored upon completion of a person's sentence and payment of any restitution.
- You have been adjudicated incapacitated by a court of law.
Arizona Proof of Citizenship Requirement
A person who submits valid proof of citizenship with their voter registration form (and is otherwise an eligible registrant) is entitled to vote in all federal, state, and local elections in which they are eligible. A.R.S. § 16-101.
A registrant who attests to being a citizen but fails to provide proof of citizenship and whose citizenship is not otherwise verified will be eligible to vote only in federal elections (known as being a "federal only" voter).
A "federal only" voter will become eligible to vote a "full ballot" in all federal, state, and local elections if they later provide valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder's office.
Accepted Proof of Citizenship
Arizona Driver's License/Identification Number: If you have a valid Arizona driver's license or nonoperating identification card issued after October 1, 1996, you should provide the license/identification number in Box 9 on the Arizona Voter Registration Form or register online at A.R.S. § 16-166.
If you do not have an Arizona license you may need to provide one of the following documents to establish proof of citizenship: A.R.S. § 16-166.
- Your Indian Census Number, Bureau of Indian Affairs Card Number, Tribal Treaty Card Number, or fill in your Tribal Enrollment Number in Box 10 on the voter registration form.
- A photocopy of your U.S. naturalization documents or fill in your Alien Registration Number in Box 11 on the voter registration form.
- A legible photocopy of your birth certificate and supporting legal documentation (i.e., marriage certificate) if the name on the birth certificate is not the same as your current legal name.
- A legible photocopy of the pertinent pages of your U.S. passport.
- A legible photocopy of your Tribal Certificate of Indian Blood or Bureau of Indian Affairs Affidavit of Birth.
Federal only voters may use the Federal Voter Registration form, available here:
Congratulations on becoming a citizen of the United States!
To register to vote in Arizona, you must be: (A.R.S. § 16-101)
- A United States citizen
- A resident of Arizona and the county listed on your registration
- 18 years of age or more by the date of the next regular General Election
You cannot register to vote in Arizona if (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- You have been convicted of a felony and have not yet had your civil rights restored. For a first-time felony conviction, civil rights are automatically restored upon completion of a person's sentence and payment of any restitution.
- You have been adjudicated incapacitated by a court of law.
Additionally, you must provide proof of citizenship to be eligible to vote a "full ballot" that includes all federal, state, county, and local races, and ballot propositions/referenda for which you are eligible to vote. A.R.S. § 16-101.
Your naturalization documents may be used as proof of citizenship for voter registration purposes.
Acceptable Citizenship and Immigration Numbers
You may enter one of the following citizenship numbers in Box 11 of the Arizona Voter Registration Form:
- Naturalization Certificate Number; or
- Citizenship Certificate Number; or
- Alien Registration Number (also known as an "A-Number")
Please note, this number must be verified against the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database before you can be registered as a "full-ballot" voter. A.R.S. § 16-166(F)(4).
Acceptable Citizenship and Immigration Documents
You may also provide a printed copy (do not send original documents) of one of the following naturalization documents along with your paper voter registration form.
- Certificate of Naturalization; or
- Certificate of Citizenship
Registering to Vote
How to Register to Vote
- Online – If you have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) you may register to vote through Service Arizona EZ Voter Registration
- Sign into Service Arizona
- Select your language preference, then click "Begin/Update Voter Registration"
- Verify your voter eligibility
- Enter your information in the required fields
- Verify address information
- You can now select your party preference
If you need assistance, please follow the step-by-step instructions in the ServiceArizona FAQ found here.
If you are having trouble logging in to the Service Arizona website, you can print off a Voter Registration Form (PDF) and fill it out with your new information. After you finish, mail the completed form to your County Recorder's office and your information will be processed.
- By Mail – State Form for Full Ballot
- Proof of Citizenship requirement
- To be eligible to vote a "full ballot," you must submit proof of citizenship with your registration form or by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before Election Day.
- A "full ballot" includes all federal, state, county, and local races and ballot questions for which you are eligible to vote.
- If you are updating your name, party affiliation, or address after moving within the state, you don't need to resubmit proof of citizenship if you submitted it with your original registration.
- You can either print off a form online (PDF) or request that a registration form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. After completing the voter registration form, mail it to your county recorder's office.
- By Mail – Federal Form for Federal Races Only
- You can print the form from the National Voter Registration Form website.
- A "federal only ballot" includes only federal races; it does not include any state, legislative or local elections.
If you do not have a residence address, please also complete a 'No Residence Address Confirmation' in addition to the voter registration form.
- In-Person – You may visit your County Recorder's Office and fill out a registration form in person.
- Address Confidentiality Program Members – You should only register to vote through the ACP process.
After you have successfully registered to vote you will receive a voter registration card in the mail within 4-6 weeks.
How to Register to Vote
- Online – If you have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) you may register to vote through
Service Arizona EZ Voter Registration
- Sign in here
- Select your language preference, then click "Begin/Update Voter Registration"
- Verify your voter eligibility
- Enter your information in the required fields
- Verify address information
- You can now select your party preference
If you need assistance, please follow the step-by-step instructions in the ServiceArizona FAQ found here.
If you are having trouble logging in to the Service Arizona website, you can print off a Voter Registration Form (PDF) and fill it out with your new information. After you finish, mail the completed form to your County Recorder's office and your information will be processed.
- By Mail – You can either print off a form online (PDF) or request that a registration
form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. After completing the voter registration form,
mail it to your county recorder's office.
If you do not have a residence address, please also complete a 'No Residence Address Confirmation' in addition to the voter registration form.
- In-Person – You may visit your County Recorder's Office and fill out a registration form in person.
- Address Confidentiality Program Members – You should only register to vote through the ACP process.
After you have successfully registered to vote you will receive a voter registration card in the mail within 4-6 weeks.
Cualificaciones para Registro
Para registrarse para votar en Arizona usted debe satisfacer las siguientes cualificaciones (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- Ser ciudadano/a de los Estados Unidos
- Ser residente de Arizona y del condado listado en su registro
- Tener 18 años de edad ó más en o antes del día de la siguiente Elección General regular
Para obtener información sobre la prueba de ciudadanía y la capacidad de votar en las elecciones federales, estatales, del condado y locales, visite nuestra página de Requisitos de la prueba de ciudadanía.
Usted no puede registrarse para votar en Arizona si (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- A usted se le ha encontrado culpable de un delito grave y aún no se le han restaurado sus derechos civiles*
- A usted se le ha juzgado como incapacitado por un tribunal de justicia.
*Nota: En el caso de una condena por delito grave por primera vez, los derechos civiles son restaurados automáticamente cuando se completa la sentencia de la persona, así como el pago de cualquier multa y restitución.
Update Your Voter Information
You should update your voter information if any of the following apply:
- You recently moved to a new address
- Your name has been legally changed
- You would like to change your political party affiliation
- Online – If you have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) you may update your voter registration
- Log on to Service Arizona
- Select your language preference, then click "Begin/Update Voter Registration"
- Verify your voter eligibility
- Enter your information in the required fields
- Update your address if you have moved, otherwise select No on question A & B and click continue.
- You can now update any other information that has changed, including your name or party preference
If you are having trouble logging in to the Service Arizona website, you can print off a Voter Registration Form (PDF) and fill it out with your new information. After you finish, mail the completed form to your County Recorder's office and your information will be updated.
- By Mail – You can either print off a form online (PDF) or request that a registration form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. After completing the voter registration form, mail it to your county recorder's office.
- In-Person – You may visit your County Recorder's office and fill out a registration form in person.
- Address Confidentiality Program Members – You should update your voter registration through the ACP process.
After you have successfully updated your registration to vote you will receive an updated voter registration card in the mail within 4-6 weeks.
Actualice Su Información Electoral
Usted debería de actualizar su información electoral si aplica cualquiera de lo siguiente:
- Usted se mudó recientemente a un domicilio nuevo
- Su apellido ha cambiado legalmente
- A usted le gustaría cambiar su afiliación a un partido político
- En línea – Si usted tiene una licencia de manejo de Arizona y/o una tarjeta de identificación no operativa de Arizona emitida por la División de Vehículos Motorizados (MVD por sus siglas en inglés) usted puede actualizar su registro electoral en línea.
- Ingrese a Service Arizona
- Seleccione el idioma de su preferencia, entonces haga clic en "Registro Electoral Nuevo o Actualización"
- Verifique su elegibilidad al registro electoral
- Ingrese su información en las áreas requeridas
- Actualice su domicilio si usted se mudó. De otra forma, seleccione No a las preguntas A y B y haga clic para continuar.
- Ahora usted podrá actualizar cualquier otra información que haya cambiado, incluyendo su nombre o preferencia de partido
Si está teniendo problemas ingresando al sitio web de Service Arizona, usted puede imprimir una Forma de Registro Electoral (PDF) y llenarla con su nueva información. Después de que usted termine, envíe por correo postal la forma llena a la oficina del/la registrador/a de su condado y su información será actualizada.
- Por Correo Postal – Usted puede, ya sea imprimir una forma en línea (PDF) o pedirle al/la Registrador/a de su Condado que le envíe por correo postal una forma de registro. Después de completar la forma de registro electoral, envíela por correo a la oficina del/la registrador/a de su condado.
- En Persona – Usted puede visitar en persona la Oficina del/la Registradora de su Condado y llenar una forma de registro.
- Miembros del Programa de Confidencialidad de Domicilio – Usted sólo se debería de registrar para votar a través del proceso del programa de Confidencialidad de Domicilio "ACP".
Después de que se haya registrado exitosamente para votar, usted recibirá una tarjeta de registro electoral por correo postal dentro de 4 a 6 semanas.
If you need assistance, please follow the step-by-step instructions in the ServiceArizona FAQ Guide here:
If you are having trouble logging in to the ServiceArizona website, you can print a [Voter Registration Form] and fill it in with your information. After you finish, mail your completed form to your County Recorder's office.
Register/Update by Mail
Voter registration forms are available online, or you can request that a voter registration form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. After completing the form, mail it to your County Recorder's office.
Register/Update In-Person
You may visit your local County Recorder's Office and fill out a voter registration form in-person.
The Arizona Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a program that helps victims of domestic violence, sexual offenses, and/or stalking from being located through public records.
Any eligible participant in the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) may register to vote as an ACP Protected Voter.
ACP protected voters can participate in national, state, and local elections without endangering the confidentiality of their real address. By registering as an ACP protected voter, this ensures that a program participant's real address will not appear on any public registered voter lists that may be made public. The security of this process is similar to the process afforded police and judges. A.R.S §§ 16-153; 41-161(2); 41-162.
Address Confidentiality Program members should only register to vote through the ACP process.
Participants are strongly encouraged not to register to vote through any process other than through the ACP. By law, MVD, DES, and other social service agencies must ask everyone if they want to register to vote. Participants who register outside of the ACP process will be required to provide their address and staff cannot guarantee the protection of their record. A.R.S. § 41-162.
For more information about ACP Voter Registration, please visit
To register to vote in Arizona, you must be: A.R.S. § 16-101
- A United States citizen
- A resident of Arizona and the county listed on your registration
- 18 years of age or more by the date of the next regular General Election
You cannot register to vote in Arizona if (A.R.S. § 16-101):
- You have been convicted of a felony and have not yet had your civil rights restored. For a first-time felony conviction, civil rights are automatically restored upon completion of a person's sentence and payment of any restitution.
- You have been adjudicated incapacitated by a court of law.
Additionally, you must provide proof of citizenship to be eligible to vote a "full ballot" that includes all federal, state, county, and local races, and ballot propositions/referenda for which you are eligible to vote.
Native Americans may submit tribal identification numbers as proof of citizenship for voter registration purposes. A.R.S. § 16-166(F)(6).
Acceptable Tribal Identification Numbers and Documents
Enter one of the following tribal identification numbers in Box 10 of the Arizona Voter Registration Form:
- Tribal Enrollment Number; or
- Indian Census Number; or
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Card Number; or
- Tribal Treaty Card Number
You may also submit a printed copy of one of the following documents. Please do not send original documents. A.R.S. § 16-166.
- Tribal Certificate of Indian Blood; or
- Indian Affairs Affidavit of Birth
Eligible personnel may use the Arizona UOCAVA Portal to register to vote and/or request an early ballot.
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Portal
To be eligible to use the UOCAVA portal, a voter must:
Be registered to vote in Arizona: (A.R.S. § 16-101)
- Note: A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. is entitled to register to vote in Arizona if their parent is also a United States citizen registered to vote in Arizona; A.R.S. § 16-103.
Be either uniformed personnel or a family member:
- Note: Uniformed Services are defined as the U.S. Armed Forces, merchant marine, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 52 U.S.C. § 20310(1); A.R.S. § 16-103(A).
Or be an overseas citizen:
- Note: Civilians outside the U.S. applies to Arizona residents temporarily residing outside the U.S. 52 U.S.C. § 20310(5); A.R.S. § 16-103(A).
Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)
- Uniformed and Overseas Citizens should use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register to vote and request a ballot.
Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)
- The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens who did not receive an absentee ballot in time to participate in the election.
Individuals held in pretrial detention or serving a sentence for a misdemeanor conviction remain eligible to register and vote (assuming no other deficiencies in eligibility). County Recorders may coordinate with the county sheriff's office, jail or detention facilities, the county public defender's office, and other appropriate stakeholders to develop and implement reasonable procedures to facilitate the receipt and return of a ballot-by-mail by eligible voters held in jail or detention facilities. Such procedures may include coordinating a means for secure and effective delivery and return of ballots-by-mail for those in custody and/or the use of special election boards as permitted by law.
Cancel Registration
If you wish to cancel your Arizona voter registration, contact your local County Recorder's office for instructions.
To view your current voter registration status, visit or click the link below to access the Arizona Voter Information Portal.
Arizona Voter Information Portal
When you move, your voter registration does not automatically update. If you move out of state, please let your County Recorder know to cancel your Arizona registration.
A County Recorder may cancel a voter registration if it is determined that the registrant is deceased, has been convicted of a felony, or has been adjudicated mentally incapacitated by a court of law. A.R.S. § 16-165.
A voter registration that has been in an inactive status for two Federal election cycles (i.e., four years) may also be cancelled. A.R.S. § 16-166(E). A County Recorder may move a voter registration to inactive status only after sending the voter two pieces of Official Election Mail that were returned to the County's office by the United States Postal Service marked "undeliverable." If the address where you receive mail has changed, please update your voter registration.
Inactive voters will be eligible to vote only after updating their address with the County Recorder. Once this occurs, a voter will be moved back to active status.
Voting in Elections
What to bring to the Polls
When you arrive to vote at the polls on Election Day you will announce your name and place of residence to the election official and present one form of identification from List #1 or two different forms of identification from List #2 or 3. (A.R.S. § 16-579(A)).
Valid identification is also required prior to receiving a ballot at any in-person early voting location or emergency vote center or from a special election board. (A.R.S. § 16-542; § 16-549)
List #1 - Sufficient Photo ID including name and address (One Required)
- Valid Arizona driver license
- Valid Arizona non-operating identification card
- Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
- Valid United States federal, state, or local government-issued identification
Please note: Members of federally-recognized tribes are not required to have an address or photo on their tribal identification in order to cast a provisional ballot.
List #2 - Sufficient ID without a photograph that bears the name and address (Two Required)
- Utility bill of the elector that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election. A utility bill may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
- Bank or credit union statement that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election
- Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration
- Indian census card
- Property tax statement of the elector's residence
- Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
- Arizona vehicle insurance card
- Recorder's Certificate
- Valid United States federal, state, or local government-issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder
- Any mailing to the elector marked "Official Election Material"
#3 - Mix & Match from Lists #1 & #2 (Two Required)
- Any valid photo identification from List 1 in which the address does not reasonably match the precinct register accompanied by a non-photo identification from List 2 in which the address does reasonably match the precinct register
- U.S. Passport without address and one valid item from List 2
- U.S. Military identification without address and one valid item from List 2
Accessible Polling Places: All polling locations and vote centers have been chosen with special needs voters in mind. Each location will provide handicap parking and be able to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs, as well as, individuals with visual or hearing impairments. Oftentimes a temporary modification will be made to the polling location providing easier accessibility for the voter.
Accessible Voting Systems: All polling locations and vote centers must have an accessible voting device for use by voters with disabilities. In addition to the accessible voting devices, each poling location will have magnifying instruments, large print versions of the publicity pamphlets and trained poll workers who are ready to assist you. View the accessible voting device that will be used in your county (PDF).
County | Device Used |
Apache | Express Vote |
Cochise | Express Vote |
Coconino | Express Vote |
Gila | Express Vote |
Graham | Express Vote |
Greenlee | Express Vote |
La Paz | Express Vote |
Maricopa | ICX Accessible Voting Device |
Mohave | Express Vote |
Navajo | Express Vote |
Pima | Express Vote |
Pinal | AutoMark |
Santa Cruz | Express Vote |
Yavapai | OVI-VC |
Yuma | Express Vote |
Curbside Voting: Voters who are unable to enter the polling location or voting center may ask that a ballot be brought to them by an election poll worker.
Permanent/Active Early Voting: Voters who have a permanent physical disability, just like any other eligible voter, may request to be placed on the Active Early Voter List (AEVL). This will ensure that they will be mailed a ballot for each election that they are eligible for and allows them to vote from the comfort and convenience of their own home.
- Register to be an active early voter online
- Register to be an active early voter by mail (PDF)
If you do not have a residence address, please also complete a 'No Residence Address Confirmation' in addition to the voter registration form.
Assistance Completing Election Materials: If an individual is unable to sign or fully complete election materials such as a voter registration form, early ballot, and early ballot affidavit, they may be assisted by an individual who is willing to help at that person's direction. This also includes receiving assistance at the polling place by poll workers of two different parties, or an individual the voter with a disability chooses.
HAVA Hotline: The Arizona Center for Disability Law will run a hotline to address any election concerns for persons with disabilities. The ACDL also will file Help America Vote Act (HAVA) complaints.
Call: 602-274-6287 or 1-800-927-2260
7:00 AM – 7:00 PM on Election Day
Provisional ballots are a fail-safe measure designed to ensure that all eligible voters have their ballots counted.
To check the status of your provisional ballot, click the link below:
Check the Status of Your Provisional Ballot
Types of Provisional Ballots
Provisional Ballot (A.R.S. §16-584(E))
A provisional ballot may be issued to a voter if
- Voter was sent an early ballot
- Voter name does not appear on the signature roster
- Voter is in inactive status
- Voter changed their name
- Voter moved to a new address within the county but did not update their voter registration
Conditional Provisional Ballot (A.R.S. § 16-579(A)(2))
A voter will be issued a conditional provisional ballot if they did not provide acceptable proof of identity to poll workers. In order for their conditional provisional ballot to be counted, the voter must provide proof of identity to the County Recorder by 5:00 pm on:
- The 5th business day following a general election that includes an election for a federal office, or
- The 3rd business day following any election other than a general election.
No person should be turned away from the polls without being offered a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots won't be counted until the county verifies that the voter is in fact registered and eligible to vote. A voter must also be in the correct precinct for their provisional ballot to count if their county does not use vote centers.