Eligibility & Enrollment

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Eligibility & Enrollment

All eligibility criteria must be met to apply to the program. The eligibility criteria for applicants include:

  • Is a victim of domestic violence, sexual offense (such as rape, sexual assault, molestation), or stalking;
  • Is in fear of her or his safety;
  • Has moved in the past 90 days to a place unknown by the perpetrator or is planning to move to a place unknown to the perpetrator in the near future within Arizona;
  • Has documentation to support victimization; and
  • Is an adult, or a parent or guardian acting on behalf of a minor or incapacitated person (victim of the crime).
  • Co-applicants can be listed on the application if they reside with an eligible applicant.
    • Co-applicants can be children or adults. All adult co-applicants must understand and agree to terms of enrollment before signing the application.
  • One piece of documentation to support the primary applicant’s eligibility can include, for example:
    • police reports, orders of protection, documentation from domestic violence and sexual assault services programs/advocates on agency letterhead, or letters written by a professional who has provided counseling, medical services, religious support, referrals, or other direct services to the applicant.

Applicants do not enroll or apply directly with the Arizona Address Confidentiality Program. Any person interested in applying to the program must meet in person with a registered Application Assistant.

Application Assistants are located throughout the state in agencies and non-profit programs that provide counseling, referral, shelter, or assistance to victims of domestic violence, sexual offenses, and stalking.

To find an Application Assistant near you:

An Application Assistant is someone who provides counseling, referral or other direct services to victims of stalking, sexual assault and/or domestic violence as part of their job or volunteer work and has completed the Address Confidentiality Program training and registration process.

  • Meet with potential program participants/ applicants,
  • Explain what the ACP does;
  • Explain ACP participant responsibilities while enrolled in the program;
  • Work with the victim/survivor to incorporate the ACP into their overall safety plan;
  • Assist applicants with completing the ACP application;
  • Recommend the applicant into the ACP and forward the application directly to the ACP.

ACP staff review all completed applications. When an application is approved, the program participant(s) are certified for five years. All certified participants are issued an Arizona Address Confidentiality Authorization Card and a handbook on how to use the substitute address effectively with government agencies.

Applicants are not authorized to use the ACP substitute address until they receive their welcome packet that includes the authorization card. ACP staff will not provide a substitute address over the phone.

Contact ACP

Office of the Secretary of State
Address Confidentiality Program
1901 W Madison St
Phoenix AZ 85009



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