Address Confidentiality Program
The Arizona Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a program that helps victims of domestic violence, sexual offenses, and/or stalking from being located by the perpetrator through public records. The program provides a substitute address and confidential mail forwarding services to individuals and families across Arizona.
How the Program Works
Participants enrolled in the program use the substitute address instead of their real address. The substitute address is to be used instead of a persons home, work or school address. State and local government agencies must accept the substitute address issued by the ACP - Secretary of State’s office.
The ACP accepts all First Class, registered, certified and election mail for the participants and forwards to her/his real address at no cost.
History of the Program
The Arizona legislature established the Address Confidentiality Program within the Office of the Secretary of State. Arizona was the 27th state to create a confidential address program. On June 4, 2012, the program began assisting individuals and families impacted by domestic violence, sexual offenses and stalking.